Tuesday 28 September 2010

Seme zla

Šokantno otkriće o genetski modifikovanoj hrani i savremenom trovanju čovečanstva. Genetski modifikovana hrana rezultat je kratovidnog razmišljanja i nepoštovanja prirodnih zakona. Knjiga "Seme uništenja" pokazuje kako je promovisanje ove loše ideje utemeljeno na iskrivljenoj istini, ispuštanju podataka i zataškavanju. Otkrića navedena u ovoj moćnoj knjizi mogla bi pokrenuti revoluciju koju ova tema zaslužuje. (nastavak)

Naslov originala: Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey M. Smith
download na srpskom (.pdf file)
download in English (.pdf file)
Summary in English (.pdf file)
Priču o tome kako je početak eksperimentiranja s GMO doveo do histerije oko ptičje gripe, čemu smo svjedočili i u Hrvatskoj, zvuči kao najnapetiji kriminalistički roman. Prema Engdahlu, sve je počelo kada je privatna zaklada Rockefellerovih počela financirati istraživanje DNK radi kontrole stanovništva u nerazvijenim zemljama, . Zašto? Zato što se američki korporativni sistem još od sedamdesetih godina osjeća ugroženim od revolucija u zemljama tzv. Trećeg svijeta. I tu počinje priča koja zvuči kao znanstvena fantastika, o tome kako je američka vlada sterilizirala milijune žena diljem svijeta u sklopu službenog i javnog programa imunizacije. Pod vodstvom američke Agency for International Development, plan je bio sterilizirati 1/4 žena svijeta. (nastavak)

Naslov originala: Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William  Engdahl
download na hrvatskom  (.pdf file)
In English on Sribd
GMO crops: EU considers letting member states decide on cultivation
EU Ministers in charge of Agriculture meet on Monday 27 September to hold an exchange of views on the freedom for Member States to decide on the cultivation of genetically modified crops.

EU governments slam Brussels' GM crops plan (28 September 2010)

Life Running Out of Control

Monday 20 September 2010

Tito's Ghosts

Director: Mira Erdevički-Charap
Year: 2008
Runtime: 59 mins

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Halo, halo, stani malo, grickaj čipi čips!

Pojedini od večitih vladara "demokratskog" poretka zemlje Srbije, Mirko Cvetković (premijer Srbije, bivši ministar finansija u prethodnom sazivu Vlade, bivši direktor Agencije za privatizaciju koji je za vreme svog mandata dodeljivao bez tendera konsultantske poslove firmi 'CES Mecon' u kojoj je i sam bio angažovan sredinom 90-ih godina prošlog veka; bivši zamenik bivšeg ministra za privatizaciju Aleksandra Vlahovića; u javnosti poznat kao 'patrijarh konsultantskih poslova') i Mlađan Dinkić koji između ostalog bunca o svojoj nepresušnoj neostvarenoj želji da jednoga dana bude laureat Nobelove nagrade (zato što je uveo "zdravo" bankarstvo) su danas zajedničkim snagama, tj. mukom presekli na dva dela crvenu vrpcu u američkoj multinacionalnoj kompaniji PepsiCo koja je za debele pare kupila Marbo Produkt pre dve godine. Ako vlastodršcima prija čips, prijaće i vama.

Naročito je dirljivo što je Dinkić pomenuo kako će taj industrijski krompir koji se gaji po njivama Srbije da bude i naš izvozni adut?! I još jedna potpuno nebulozna izjava Cvetkovića: "Prehrambena industrija ima poseban značaj za Srbiju, koja može da postane lider te industrije, kao što u regionu već i jeste".

Inače, događaj je upriličen u pogonu Pepsija u Bačkom Magliću, gde su gorepomenuti "porodili" proizvodnu liniju za čips, gde je posao dobilo, hej ljudi, čitavih 100 radnika. E, pa je l' to malo? 100 po 100, pa vi vidite. To se zove strategija zapošljavanja tj. smanjenja siromaštva.

A sve povezano sa člankom: Srbija lider u proizvodnji hrane

Ideje za razmišljanje:

Šta je siromaštvo?

Porastao broj ljudi koji žive ispod (apsolutne) granice siromaštva

Sirotinjo Srbiji si teška

Prepolovljen stočni fond u Srbiji

Анкета о потрошњи домаћинстава – други квартал 2010. (diskutabilan uzorak od 1136 domaćinstava za celu Srbiju koja su vodila dvonedeljni dnevnik potrošnje)

Industrial potatoes are treated with quite massive amounts of pesticides, as these varieties have become very vulnerable to all sorts of pests. (Plant Profile: Potato (Solanum tuberosum))

In industrial potatoes that are used in the fry plants, quality is partly defined as size. This means that farmers who supply the fry industry have to use late varieties such as the Russet Burbank that have to be harvested in October too late for a cover crop. So the fields are bare over the winter. If there is not enough snow, we have what happened last winter - masses of topsoil blows off the field. The Russet Burbank has to have a large amount of fertilizer to reach the size needed for ideal fry production. Because it is in the field for such a long time it needs a lot of protection. Because it has to be harvested in a  two week window with a hard end of frost, it has driven a huge scale up in equipment - if you don't get them out of the ground in time- you lose the year. (It's really about the money - Food Trust and Valuable Potatoes)

PepsiCo Chooses to Continue Using GE Ingredients Despite Evidence of Harm

Saturday 11 September 2010

September 11 Anniversary

For almost a decade, this has been a day of solemn remembrance, private memories and shared sorrow for the relatives who gather to honour the nearly 3,000 people killed by al-Qaeda terrorists (???) on that dreadful day in 2001. (from America's agony: September 11 anniversary marked by anger and controversy)


Very few people in Afghanistan have been unaffected by the armed conflict there. Those with direct personal experience make up 60% of the population, and most others also report suffering a range of serious hardships. In total, almost everyone (96%) has been affected in some way – either personally or due to the wider consequences of armed conflict. (from War in Afghanistan)

Opium production in Afghanistan has been on the rise since the downfall of the Taliban in 2001. Based on UNODC data, there has been more opium poppy cultivation in each of the past four growing seasons (2004–2007) than in any one year during Taliban rule. Also, more land is now used for opium in Afghanistan than for coca cultivation in Latin America. In 2007, 93% of the opiates on the world market originated in Afghanistan (from Opium production in Afghanistan)

In December 2007, the Iraqi government reported that there were 5 million orphans in Iraq – nearly half of the country's children.

Some 60–70% of Iraqi children are suffering from psychological problems. (from Iraq War)

President Bush's Cabinet agreed in April 2001 that "Iraq remains a destabilizing influence to the flow of OIL to international markets from the Middle East' and because this is an unacceptable risk to the US 'military intervention' is necessary." (from  Official: US Oil at the Heart of Iraq Crisis)

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